HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP)
This page was originally created on and last edited on .
Update: since writing this post Chrome have removed support of HPKP, mainly due to the dangers discussed above, and I would not be surprised if other browsers follow suit. Given that it is difficult to recommend using this feature.
The SSL/TLS digital certificate used to provide HTTPS security (the green padlock) to a website has several functions which basically boil down to:
- It provides confidence that the website you are browsing, is the real website for that company.
- It encrypts network traffic so eavesdroppers cannot listen in to network traffic, and also that the message has not been tampered with between client and server.
It is this first item that Public Key Pinning attempts to improve.
It's not that difficult to redirect traffic from a real website to a dummy copy. Say a hacker sets up a free wi-fi hotspot called "Free Wi-fi" from their computer and goes along to their local Starbucks. People will likely connect to your hotspot to browse the web on their coffee break. The hacker can set up the DNS of that wi-fi network so that requests to would instead be sent to a separate website that they are running that either looks exactly like the real Gmail, or just forwards requests back and forth to the real website after listening in to the traffic (known as a Man In The Middle (MITM) attack). The browser would still show so the innocent coffee drinker would be none-the-wiser, and would happily enter their username and password which the hacker would then have access to. A few hours in Starbucks and they could have all sorts of passwords, banking details... etc.
The above scenario is made a good bit more difficult for the hacker when a website uses HTTPS (like does). In this case the traffic is encrypted with Google's certificate and the hacker will not be able to understand the traffic even if they listen in to it. To get around this the hacker will either need to keep it on HTTP rather than HTTPS (which the user might notice, as there would be no green padlock and which HSTS attempts to address) or use their own certificate which they have the key for so can decrypt. This will need to be a real certificate issued by a trusted certificate authority (CA) so the web browser trusts it and shows the green padlock rather than an error. The main issue that HPKP looks to address is that any trusted CA can issue a certificate for any website and your web browser will trust it. Google actually issue their own certificates for sites like Gmail, but there is nothing to stop another CA also issuing a certificate for that website. You would hope a CA would confirm the person requesting the certificate is from Google and not a hacker, so this may sound far fetched, but it has happened already.
So to ensure the correct certificate is used, Google can "pin" the correct certificate to the domain. This is done by returning a HTTP Header with each request telling the web browser the certificates that this website should allow. If the hacker tries to use a certificate that is not on this list, then the browser will show an error message and so the attack will be stopped.
How to set it up
Public Key Pinning works by getting a hash of the certificate using the following openssl command (assuming your server certificate is stored in a file called server.crt):
This will give you a Base64 encrypted value like this:
Repeat the process for your backup cert. Note there is a minimum of two separate hashes, based on two completely independent certs. This is a protection to stop you accidentally shooting yourself in the foot - see below. If you do not have a backup cert, you can also do it for a backup CSR using the following command (which will save you paying for a backup cert until you need it):
Alternatively to save getting a cert or even a csr, you can also get the hash directly from the key itself using the following:
No matter how you get your two hashes, you then need to add the HTTP header. In Apache the HTTP header can be added with config like the following:
Note: this should only be set on your HTTPS site and not the HTTP version. The RFC tells browsers to ignore this for HTTP sites, but still best to set it up properly. I've also set this up with a short max-age (60 seconds) so I don't block my site for all users for very long if there turns out to be a problem with this
Where to Pin
You do not need to pin your site certificate, as that does cause problems when you renew (see below). You could instead pin, the intermediate certificate, or perhaps the root certificate instead. As long as it's a certificate used to validate your certificate. This may be safer, so you can purchase a new certificate from the same CA without having to change your HPKP policy. This however is not without it's own issues (see below), and also the backup pin needs to be independent of this one so that is easier when pinning the site cert itself.
You can also have the web browsers report back errors using the report-uri argument (a good way of spotting if you're blocking lots of users for a reason):
Note that, unlike the CSP equivalent syntax of "report-uri url;" this has a "report-uri=url" syntax with an equals sign. However it should be noted that, only Chrome supported this, and even they have since removed support for HPKP altogether (see support below for details). In fact if more browsers did support this, it would be good to use the Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only header initially for a while until you confirm you're not getting any false reports:
Either reporting method, if it becomes more supported, requires a service to be set up to listen to the reports. Checkout Scott Helme's excellent report-uri tool for this, to save you setting up your own one. In fact, while you are there, Scott also has a great page on HPKP which is well worth a read too.
If you do fancy setting up your own service then you simply need something listening for JSON reports and then decide what to do with them. For example a NodeJs service which listens for CSP and HPKP violation reports and logs them to log file could be as simple as this:
There are some additional considerations when setting up your reporting location - in particular if using the same website it's trying to report on. If the report-uri uses HTTPS then it will need to be able to contact that site to report the error and HPKP validation is also completed for reports. As the only time it should report, is if there is a failure with the site certificate, you can see how using a HTTPS report-uri on the same site which has the HPKP error would lead to problems as it will not be able to connect to send the report! The RFC does state that the web browser "MAY attempt to re-send the report later.", but to me the better option is to either use a different domain for reports (or perhaps a separate tool like report-uri), or to use HTTP version (like this website does). However if you decide to use a HTTP site, then that may mean some extra set up to allow that if you are using HSTS on your site.
There is also the includeSubDomains option, which can force the pinning on all subdomains. Like for the comment on this in the HSTS post, this should be used with caution.
Testing HPKP is actually quite tricky. You can test that it works, by visiting the websites, but just because you get no error doesn't mean that it works - it can also mean the browser hasn't implemented it. To really test that it works you need to use another certificate that is not pinned - but is still valid (as the certificate checking will run first). However that means buying another certificate. If you think you could try using a self signed cert, then that doesn't work as locally installed certs, ignores HPKP (see downsides below). Chrome does allow you to view and set HPKP policies in the chrome://net-internals/#hsts settings page (HPKP being closely linked to HSTS) so you can set up a fake policy there to test - which also has the added advantage of not breaking the site for your other users. This is probably the best way of testing your policy, but that doesn't help for testing other browsers and at the time of writing Chrome did not allow you to add report-uri settings to manually set policies so testing of any report-uri service is even trickier.
Web server support is not an issue since this is just another header and every major web server has the ability to add custom headers as response codes. Browser support is only OK, though, at the time of writing the report-uri part is not supported at all. Chrome did implemented reporting of HPKP errors, but Chrome have since removed support for HPKP completely, due to the dangers it can cause (see below). Other browsers such as Firefox have not implemented the reporting side of this. And that obviously means they do not support "Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only" header either. As setting up a Report policy first is recommended, this makes HPKP difficult to recommend at present. Who knows what weird device doesn't do this properly, or if some proxy server causes your site to break.
The downsides
One of the main issues is that it is a trust on first use policy. There's nothing to stop the hacker removing that HPKP Header. To avoid this you need to have visited the real website first, so the browser has loaded the Public Key Pinning policy into it's settings, and uses that going forward. You also need to set a long expiry on the policy so it stays loaded in the website. However common websites people visit often from their laptops and phones, the risk is much reduced.
A bigger issue, to me at least, is the risk of accidentally blocking visitors to your website. Once you put up a HPKP header you are saying only those certificates can be used for this website. Now the policy will only be accepted when it passes, so just setting up a bad policy shouldn't cause an issue - though without first running in report only mode, which is not widely supported, that's difficult to be sure.
When the policy is accepted then there are issues around when you want to replace your key or certificate:
- If you need to reissue your certificate then you need to ensure you not only add that certificate to the HPKP header, but also need to have added it in advance - at least the max-age days before. This therefore complicates the certificate renewal process.
- You can of course pin further up the certificate chain (so Google could say only certificates issues by the Google CA are valid), but that reduces the effectiveness of the security (though not by much in my opinion), and also ties you into that certificate provider (probably not a problem for Google since they have their own CA but a bigger issue for the rest of us). Also it's not unknown for there to be multiple certificate paths to trusted root certificate so this also may not be as easy as it sounds.
- The RFC states that: "The given set of Pins contains at least one Pin that does NOT refer to an SPKI in the certificate chain. (That is, the host must set a Backup Pin)." This is a good restriction - force you into creating a backup pin. However that does mean creating a new key and storing it securely - not without it's own issues. I would prefer to generate the key at the time of certificate renewal, rather than in advance as it's the only way to be 100% sure the key has not been compromised but use of HPKP prevents that. Also if pinning an intermediate or root certificate, then the backup must be based on a completely separate certificate path.
- You can use a short expiry (e.g. a week) and replacing certificates is less of an issue, but again that reduces the security offered by this.
I am also concerned that HPKP encourages key reuse. As the key is effectively pinned, rather than the certificate, you can get a new certificate for the same Key or same CSR without having to think about HPKP. Best practice states that you should reissue your key when renewing the certificate, but that requires doing it in advance as discussed above. You could use your backup pin on next reissue, but then you need to create a new backup and, until the max-age time passes, live without a backup or use your old key as the backup. Or you could have two backups. So ways around it but no denying we've complicated the processes!
Finally some systems do "legitimate" MITM processing. For example if you have Avast Anti-virus installed then, by default, it scans HTTPS traffic for you. To do that it needs to subtly replace the certificate on the website with it's own copy (to which it has the key) and then sit in the middle, scanning traffic as it's sent back and forth. Similarly some corporate environments do the same for the same reasons. Now you can argue about whether they should do this (and issues like Superfish brought this argument front and centre), but the reality is they do and you don't want to break your website just because you disagree with how popular Antivirus software works. Testing seems to show that when a local cert is used, the HPKP header is ignored but, since the RFC does not mention this, it's difficult to understand how this works. It also compromises HPKP to me - the very point is you cannot use other certificates but here we have a use case which allows this! How secure that use case is, is unknown until we get full understanding of how it works. Then again this does require system access to the computer to install a root certificate that the user will trust, and after someone has that access you can argue the user is already in deep trouble, so there's still protection in this for the more likely scenario of more general intercepting of traffic.
I've a longer blog on some of the dangers of HPKP and other security headers.
Update: since writing this post Chrome have removed support of HPKP, mainly due to the dangers discussed above, and I would not be surprised if other browsers follow suit. Given that it is difficult to recommend using this feature.
HTTP Public Key Pinning is a powerful tool to ensure your website is not compromised, but with that power, comes great ability to shoot yourself in the foot! Make sure you fully understand what you are doing, and the effort you are opening yourself up to in future, before you turn this on. An alternative approach to the issues HPKP tries to address is certificate transparency, which may in the future give a lot of the benefits of HPKP with almost no risks.
Personally, until reporting is more widely supported by browsers, I think it's difficult to recommend using HPKP at all. However, given it's general support in most browsers apart from the reporting side, I do not expect it to be too long before the other major browsers support HPKP fully. In the meantime, if you are interested in this, then I would say use the Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only option now that Chrome is about to implement support for it, and keep an eye on your reports to see what comes in and whether these concerns are unfounded or not. It was only released the night before this post was put up, and hasn't yet been rolled out to all users, but already some were stating reports coming in for sites that presumably were supposed to be configured correctly. So it will be interesting to see if any technologies or proxies do not work with HPKP now we have the reporting ability to see this.
Finally you also need to ask how likely the issue HPKP is designed to protect (a MITM attack with a certificate which is recognised by the browser but not issued by a locally stored root) is? And how likely messing up a HPKP policy is and that causing you to DoS yourself? For me the second scenario is much more likely so am not sure HPKP is a good idea for most websites, though it is a welcome addition to the arsenal of tools for web site owners should they want this extra protection and be willing to manage it properly.
Update: since writing this post Chrome have removed support of HPKP, mainly due to the dangers discussed above, and I would not be surprised if other browsers follow suit. Given that it is difficult to recommend using this feature.
Want to read more?
More resources on HPKP:
- dangers of HPKP and other security headers.
- The official RFC for HPKP
- Chris Palmer's blog entry on HKP. Chris is one of the authors of above HPKP RFC
- Scott Helme's page on HPKP
- report-uri: A report webtool written by Scott Helme for HPKP or CSP reports
- Google Chrome's announcement of reporting support.
This page was originally created on and last edited on .